By Thomas Chippendale
Plate XCI.
Is a plain Cabinet intended for Japan, the mouldings are all at large, and the sizes fixed to the design.
Chippendale cabinet

Plate XCII.(no 92)
Is a Cabinet with two different feet, and only one door; the other without the door fhews the defign of the infide; the mouldings are at large, and the dimenfions fixed to the Cabinet; the work that is upon the door, is to be carv'd neatly out of thin ftuff, and glued upon the pannel.
Chippendale cabinet

Plate XCIII.
Is a Chinese Cabinet with drawers in the middle part, and two different forts of doors at each end. The bottom drawer is intended to be all in one; the dimenfions and mouldings are all fixed to the defign. This Cabinet, finifhed according to the drawing, and by a good workman, will, I am confident, be very genteel.
Chippendale Chinese cabinet

Is a Gothic Cabinet without doors; the fretwork at the bottom of the cabinet is intended for a drawer; the upper forms a fort of Gothic arches, fupported by whole terms in the middle, and half-ones at the ends, and drawers betwixt. The fhaded parts BBB are intended to be open, and fretwork on the edge of the fhelves; the upper fretwork is cut through; the mouldings are at large on the right hand, and a fcale to take off the particulars.
Chippendale Chinese cabinet

Plate XCV.
A Gothic Cabinet upon term feet; the middle is a door with columns glued to it; the doors and columns open together, and intended for glafs. The ornaments and feftoons upon the glafs will look very well; the bottom drawer D is to be all in one, with two drawers above it; the other opening will hold Chinefe figures, or any thing elfe that may be thought agreeable. CBA are mouldings at large, with a fcale to take off the particulars. The whole, if juftly finifhed, will make a handfome and elegant piece of furniture.
Chippendale Gothic cabinet

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