By Thomas Chippendale
Plate LX, LXI, LXII.
Are three Library Book-Cases of different forts, with their dimensions and mouldings all fixed to the designs. If you have occafion to alter their sizes, it would be well to keep as nigh the fame proportion as possible; otherwise the upper doors may have but an ill appearance. It would be needless to fay any thing more about them, as their forms are fo easy.
Those Book-cases are all intended for glass doors.

Plate LXIII.
Plate LXIII is a library Book-Case with all its dimensions.

Plate LXV.
Plate LXV is a library Book-Case. The dimensions are all fixed to the design.

Plate LXVII.
Plate LXVII is a library Book-Case, with its profile and scale.

Plate LXIX.
Plate LXIX is a Library Book-Case in Perspective; the dimensions are all fixed to the design.
Chippendale bookcase
Plate LXXI.
Plate LXXI is a neat Gothic Library Book-Case, with a frofile and fcale. This book-case, made by an ingenious workman, will have the different effect.

Plate LXXIII is a Gothic Library Book-Case, no way inferior to the foregoingone; the profile and fcale is on the right hand.

Plate LXXV.
Plate LXXV is a rich Gothic Library Book-Case, with Gothic columns fix'd upon the doors, to open with them; the doors are different, but may be made alike if required. This defign is perhaps one of the best of its kind, and would give me great pleafure to fee it executed, as I doubt not of its making an exceeding genteel and grand appearance; the upper doors are to be glazed.
Chippendale Gothic bookcase
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